Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Why We Need the Apostolic Visitation – Reason #4,651,099

December 9th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

From an article by Tim Drake at the National Catholic Register, with emphasis added:

“Sister Elizabeth Ohmann, a Franciscan nun who works for the lobbying group Humane Borders recently told the Arizona Daily Star that she feels the Vatican is targeting communities that dissent from Catholic teaching, especially on sexuality.

?Are we going contrary to Rome?s teachings?? Sister Ohmann said. ?I say, ?Yes, it is contrary to Rome?s teachings.? But it is not contrary to my own conscience.?

Sister Mary Waskowiak, president of the 4,000-member Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, told the AP that most of the 28 leaders of religious orders to whom she had spoken had either left sections of the Visitation questionnaire blank or simply sent the Vatican copies of their constitutions.”

Whatever disciplinary means is available to the Vatican, let us hope they brandish it without hesitation. This fly in the face of the hierarchy attitude has been going on for far too long. If the Church wishes to command respect once again, she will need to put a stop to the dissent. The Catholic Church is not ruled by the individual conscience, but by the Word of God. Let us pray that the Church will do whatever it deems necessary to end the “Culture of Dissent” which has been tearing her apart since the 1960s.

Above: Sister Mary Waskowiak, head of the Sisters of Mercy



5 Responses to “Why We Need the Apostolic Visitation – Reason #4,651,099”

  1. Anonymous says:

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yeah. No kidding. Pride and arrogance personified.

  3. Dr. Van Helsing der Klingenstein says:

    Zhiz iz za voman? Ach! Zhe lookz like Harrry Reid vithout za glazzes.

  4. Gen says:

    lol You're right!

  5. Mike says:

    "But it is not contrary to my own conscience.?


    I believe she meant to say, "But it is not contrary to my own malformed conscience.?

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