Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

The Italian Church – Still a Bastion of Glory

December 18th, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

In recent years, the Church in Europe, and in Italy and France in particular, have experienced marked decreases. Whether the cause is spiritual, changing demographics, or liberalism, the decrease is still evident. Beautiful churches with hand-painted frescoes sit empty and devoid of the splendor of the Mass. However, this recent article from the New Liturgical Movement shows signs of great hope for the Italian Church, and all of its iridescent glory.

The Italian blog Messa in Latino have up some more beautiful photographs of an All Saints Day Mass in San Remo, Italy, from

The Mass was celebrated by Monsignor Vittorio Marteletti, rector of the Santuario di N.S. Dell’Assunta, San Remo. The art and architecture of this church is quite stunning to say the least.

Here are a selection of their photographs.



One Response to “The Italian Church – Still a Bastion of Glory”

  1. Rob says:

    So much delicious eye candy.

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