Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Poll #23 – St. Fulton Sheen?

December 13th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

With the recent Masses for his excellency, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, it is only appropriate to have a poll question about Rochester’s most famous bishop. A very simple question it shall be: Do you think Archbishop Sheen will be canonized a saint? Note, the question is not asking whether you would like to see him canonized, but whether you think he actually will be. Happy Gaudete Sunday to all.

Do you think Archbishop Fulton Sheen will be canonized a saint?

Results from poll #22: click here to view. Asked whether or not you will attend a Communal Penance Service this advent, a resounding 70% of respondents said “Not a snowball’s chance in Hell.” 23% said they would, but would then make a private Confession shortly after. Only two said that they would attend one of these services instead of making a Confession. 31 votes were cast in this poll. Thank you for participating.



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