Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Poll #22 – Communal Penance Services

December 6th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

Advent is a truly wonderful time of repentance and preparation in anticipation of the coming of our Lord. It is also a time when we begin to see those “Communal Penance Services” springing up at a variety of area parishes. The latest CF poll question will examine our readers’ feelings about these services. The question for you to answer is: Will you be attending a Communal Penance Service this Advent? Cast your vote below if you please.

Will you attend a “Communal Penance Service” this Advent?

Results from poll #21: click here to view. In response to a question about Christmas decor, most Cleansing Fire readers, or 58% of the 31 who cast votes, stated that they have a mixture of secular and religious decorations around their house. 32% have mostly religious decorations, while only 10% have mostly secular decorations. Thank you for voting.



4 Responses to “Poll #22 – Communal Penance Services”

  1. Mike says:

    There is a type of communal penance service not anticipated by your poll. It consists of hymns, scripture readings, prayers and a homily, followed by individual confession with one of the several priests present.

    The churches of the Eastern Greece/Charlotte Planning Group will hold such a service at 2:30 pm on Sunday, December 20 at Holy Cross Church.

  2. Kelly says:

    Our parish always has penance services during the Advent and Lenten seasons. As Mike mentions, they are followed by private confession. I suggest to our Catechumens that they attend themselves, though they cannot yet attend Sacramental confession. It is encouraging for others who are afraid to approach the confessional to see their brothers and sisters in Christ lining up in droves to confess their sins to a priest.

  3. Dr. K says:

    Those could be lumped in with the first choice.

    ~Dr. K

  4. Anonymous says:

    I was hoping someone would have a poll regarding ethnic traditions and decor. Maybe just a place where we can state our nationality and what our traditions are?

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