Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Interdict Notice – New Zealand

December 18th, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

How much disrespect can be shown at one time? The New Zealanders have the answer: please click here to see why.



4 Responses to “Interdict Notice – New Zealand”

  1. Yapollo says:

    Well if they wanted controversy, they got it.

    Un morceau de folie, non?

  2. Gen says:

    Il est imperatif qu l'on ne soit jamais irr?v?rencieux de la Famille Sainte. Ces gens de la Nouvelle-Zelande . . . que peut-on dire, mon ami?

  3. Yapollo says:

    Beaucoup, mais je n'aime pas parler des choses qui sont vulgaires

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