Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Communion in the Hand – Part 1

December 31st, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

I follow the YouTube channel of a young fellow who is 100% spot-on with his approach to Catholicism. He doesn’t make things up, nor does he over-embelish the Truth. He presents it in a very entertaining, very blunt style.

He is presenting a very interesting series of two parts on receiving communion on the hand, as opposed to on the tongue. He says outright that “the Church does permit the faithful to receive communion in the hand,” but he also points out the dangers that exist for those who prefer that method and are careless in the reception of the Blessed Sacrament.




5 Responses to “Communion in the Hand – Part 1”

  1. Ben Anderson says:

    certainly he makes some really great points, but his demeanor is just so offputting. he'd make a much better case if he didn't act like such a child

  2. Gen says:

    In another video from around a year ago, he apologizes for that. I think he has ADD or something similar.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I do ;D I do my best. In some ways it has been a blessing because I teach teenagers and they say that it helps them pay attention… It must be due to the constant distraction of the media 😀 Thanks for the nice comment Gen! 😀 I providentially came across it after a really long night at our reparation vigil and it made my day! Thanks again!

  4. Gen says:

    So many ills in the Church could be solved if young people experienced this enthusiasm and exhibited it themselves. From what I have seen, we are seeing a very Tradition-minded group of young people growing up as we speak. Ask yourself – of the young adults you have met at church, how many have expressed a desire to "reform the Church," to "embrace the Spirit of Vatican II," or to "meet Brother Jesus along the path of life?"

    You, sir, and others like you are definitely helping push the next generation of Catholics in the most optimal of directions.

  5. Ben Anderson says:

    My apologies to the creator of the video – I didn't know of your condition. Like I said – the content is quite good. And I also appreciate your zeal.

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