An excerpt from Bishop Clark’s book, Forward in Hope:
The presence of and growth in numbers of lay ecclesial ministers
should be viewed as a complement to the ministry of the
ordained and not as corrosive of their authority or place in the
Church. (i.e. “Priests dance to my tune,” from Sr. Sobala and the Barb Swiecki’s firing of Fr. Peter Abas. Yeah – that’s a compliment to the ministry of the ordained?)
I can count on one hand (one finger?) the amount of reverent and non-corrosive lay administrators.
Tags: Bishop Clark, Bishop Clark Forward in Hope, Progressive Drivel
Ya know…recently I saw a photo of him when he was much younger. I gotta say…he was kinda hot.
I meant that in a non-Homo way.
Sobala and Swiecki did not fire Fr. Abas. What kind of misinformation is this? Fr. Abas only accepted short term (9month) assignments. He left when the period was up.