Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Archbishop Milingo Dismissed From Clerical State

December 17th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, a “married” bishop who illicitly ordained four men to the episcopate without papal mandate, as well as carried out numerous other illicit ordinations of married men to the priesthood, has been officially dismissed from the clerical state by the Vatican. Milingo has local ties for his illicit ordination of Ray Grosswirth back in 2006. The entire Vatican press release can be read here. Below is a snippet:

“The commission of these grave crimes, which has recently been established, is to be considered as proof of the persistent contumacy of Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo. The Holy See has therefore been obliged to impose upon him the further penalty of dismissal from the clerical state.

According to Canon 292 of the Code of Canon Law, the penalty of dismissal from the clerical state, now added to the grave penalty of excommunication, has the following effects: loss of the rights and duties attached to the clerical state, except for the obligation of celibacy; prohibition of the exercise of any ministry, except as provided for by Canon 976 of the Code of Canon Law in those cases involving danger of death; loss of all offices and functions and of all delegated power, as well as prohibition of the use of clerical attire. Consequently, the participation of the faithful in any future celebrations organized by Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo is to be considered unlawful.

It must be pointed out that the dismissal of a Bishop from the clerical state is most extraordinary. The Holy See has felt obliged to act in this way due to the serious consequences for ecclesial communion resulting from repeated episcopal consecrations carried out without pontifical mandate; nevertheless, the Church hopes that Archbishop Milingo will see the error of his ways.

As for those recently ordained by Archbishop Milingo, the Church?s discipline in imposing the penalty of excommunication latae sententiae upon those who receive episcopal consecration without pontifical mandate is well-known. While expressing hope for their conversion, the Church reaffirms what was declared on 26 September 2006, namely that she does not recognize these ordinations, nor does she intend to recognize them, or any subsequent ordinations based on them, in the future. Hence the canonical status of the supposed bishops remains as it was prior to the ordination conferred by Archbishop Milingo.”

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One Response to “Archbishop Milingo Dismissed From Clerical State”

  1. CJ says:

    I saw this earlier today. About time, eh? Why it took so long for this fraternal correction and act of mercy I'll never understand. A good father administers punishment to his ill-behaved and stubbornly unrepentent child. If he loves him.

    And if he has true charity he will not wait until his child has scandalized all his siblings.

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