Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Rochester Welcomes a New Sister of Mercy

November 8th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

The Democrat & Chronicle reported this morning that the Rochester Sisters of Mercy (RSM) have received a new sister into their order. Patricia Black, 65, made her solemn vows of celibacy, poverty and obedience this Saturday at Holy Cross church in Charlotte. Sr. Black has been preparing for this day for seven years, which is the required time of preparation to join the RSM. What’s interesting about Black’s situation is that she is a mother who was divorced and had her marriage annulled in the late 90s. This is certainly rare for members of religious orders, though not an impediment to joining them. The D&C; article informs us that Black will offer service through literacy programs in the Rochester area.

Please pray for Sr. Patricia Black as she embarks on service to her Church in the remaining years of her life. Congratulations!



8 Responses to “Rochester Welcomes a New Sister of Mercy”

  1. gretchen says:

    Wow, a sister who is smiling! (And she's not in an alb…)

    She looks lovely!

  2. Mike says:

    Sr. Pat taught and coached sports at Holy Cross School until Bishop Clark closed it in 2008. She is remarkably good at working with children.

  3. Sed says:

    It's great to hear that she's interested in literacy, not pastoral administration. Long life and good health to this new sister!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I wonder on what grounds her marriage was annulled. Hopefully not the liberal ones many are.

  5. Gen says:

    Well, all the Sister of Mercy with whom I have spoken have been rather solid in terms of orthodoxy. Of course, I know many aren't. However, I should think that in an order where at least half (?) of the nuns are at least mildly Traditional, the true norms, ways etc. would hold fast.

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. railrider says:

    I guess she hasn't received her habit yet?

  8. Gen says:

    I think the Sisters of Mercy Habit Factory is staffed rather poorly. I certainly hope they'll be able to fill her order shortly.

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