Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Poll #18 – Your Parish Participation

November 8th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

This edition of the Cleansing Fire poll will take a look at the involvement of our readers in the activities of their parish, specifically with regard to the sacrifice of the Holy Mass. To borrow a term from the progressives, this poll will look at what “ministries” our readers fulfill in their respective parishes. Thus, the question for you is: Do you serve in some sort of “ministry” at your parish? If you do more than one, then just select the one you participate in more often.

Do you serve in some sort of “ministry” at your parish?

Results from Poll #17: Click here to view the tally. Another close poll. In response to a question about church aesthetics, 48% of the 44 voters said they prefer a highly ornate church building. 43% responded that they prefer a church which is halfway between highly ornate and noble simplicity. Bringing up the rear was noble simplicity, with 9% of the vote. Thank you for your active participation.



One Response to “Poll #18 – Your Parish Participation”

  1. Anonymous says:

    You left off music – as in choir, organist, etc.

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