Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Poll #17 – Church Aesthetics

November 1st, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

We all have different tastes when it comes to the design of churches. Some of us like paintings, statues, and classical architecture, while others prefer simplicity to their worship environment. This poll will explore this topic. The question is: Which kind of church do you prefer? Choose the answer that best describes your ideal place to worship the Lord at Mass.

Which kind of church do you prefer?

Poll #16 results: click here to view the results. This was a very close poll. In response to the question, “How often do you get to daily Mass?”, the winner by one vote was “once or twice a week” (37% of the 41 votes cast). Being unable to attend daily Mass because of one’s schedule was the runner-up with 34% of the vote. Thank you for voting.



One Response to “Poll #17 – Church Aesthetics”

  1. If there was a Tridentine Latin Mass everyday, I would try and make it to that first before a Novus Ordo Mass.

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