Fr. Ronald Antinarelli for bringing a halt to the oft-abused and oft-irreverent practice of the “Kiss of Peace.” The reason: the “rampant flu pandemic.” Something tells me that the flu will not ever go away, in the eyes of the administration of Our Lady of Victory in Rochester.
And thanks be to God for that.
Tags: Thou Shalt Laugh
When one of my buddies told me that Fr. had asked that people refrain from shaking hands at the sign of peace, I said to him "My bet? Fr. A. is using this to get rid of the thing altogether without having to hear about it from the diocese."
Well, 2 weeks later (2 days ago) he calls me and says that Fr. skipped it entirely, and it appears that I was right.
Did that happen in Sunday Mass? I was at High Mass today, and didn't get to OLV