Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Gay Marriage Vote Could Happen Today

November 10th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

There exists a high possibility that later today the New York senate will take up a vote as to whether or not the marriage of homosexual persons should be legal within the state of New York. At present, gay marriage is illegal in our state. Gay marriages which have taken place in other states, however, are recognized by the state of New York as a result of a directive issued by our Governor David Patterson in May of 2008 (the legality of this directive was upheld in September of last year).

Governor Patterson has been pushing for gay marriage since the moment the governorship of New York fell into his lap because of the resignation of disgraced governor, Elliot Spitzer. Tomorrow he may finally get his wish. The New York state senate has a Democratic majority, albeit a slim one. Since Democrats tend to promote the liberal viewpoint when it comes to issues, there is a fair possibility that legislation allowing for gay marriage could pass.

This can not happen. Our state has already endured enough moral degradation. Please, pray that gay marriage will not be approved by the New York senate. If possible, attend Mass tomorrow and try and get this included in the intentions. Also, it may be worth a shot to contact your representative and let them have an earful. With the popularity of gay marriage being the minority, both nationally and locally, our representatives would be putting their political futures at risk should they approve gay marriage. Do remind them of this. Just look at what happened to the pro-gay marriage Republican candidate in the NY 23rd congressional race.

It’s interesting to note that any time gay marriage has been on the ballot, it has been rejected by the voters. Only five states have legalized gay marriage, and this has been the result of legislation or judicial rulings. Remind your representative of this fact as well. Their duty is to represent us and our interests, not the interests of a political party or a vocal advocacy group (i.e- the Gay and Lesbian Alliance).

God save New York!

Update 5:36 PM: There was no vote on gay marriage today in the New York Senate. The senators instead focused on the $3 billion budget gap. Gay marriage is still on the agenda for this session, so please continue to pray for traditional marriage, and contact your state senator.

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2 Responses to “Gay Marriage Vote Could Happen Today”

  1. Gen says:

    I say let the government speak – they will lose their immortal souls. Then let the people speak – they will preserve their immortal souls.

  2. Nerina says:

    Mike Nozzolio has said many, many times that he supports traditional marriage defined as a union of one man and one woman. I've e-mailed again and you can access the e-mail addresses through the Catholic Advocacy Network.

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