At First Friday Mass yesterday and at Holy Saturday Mass today at Our Lady of Victory, an announcement was made not to “touch hands,” per Father Antinarelli. It was suggested that we nod or wave peace to each other. I just want to “shake Father’s hand,” but I guess I can’t.
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Don't fret Choir, I will shake your hand. cough cough, hack hack ah choo .
I hope this becomes permanent at OLV.
God bless Fr. A.
~Dr. K
My current quick-excuse for not holding hands during the Our Father is "I go to high school, and tons of people are sick there… with SWINE FLU. Dun dun dunnnnn."
I agree with Dr.k I hope it is permanent too. Why not skip the whole thing. why do we have to nod or wave?
Sister E,
Kneel down at the kiss of peace and keep your head down, most people don't bother you when you are praying.
I went to OLV tonight, and I must say, I LOVE not having to shake the hand of everyone around me. Let's never bring this back. It just doesn't belong in the Mass right before we're about to receive our God.
All I can suggest is that you/we bring these bits of feedback to Fr. Antinarelli. I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
I sent him a note today.
I do hope this will be permanent at OLV. I didn't miss the shaking of hands at all.