Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Who is going to save our Church?

October 21st, 2009, Promulgated by Choir

I firmly believe this is the reason for this blog — to save our Church!
Isn’t this what we are trying to do in this blog? Isn’t this what Vatican II wanted the people to do — get involved with their Church. Well, we’re involved and they don’t like it. Tough!

Read, think, meditate and pray on this.



3 Responses to “Who is going to save our Church?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    It's exactly what we're doing. When a liturgical abuse is exposed here, it's not to "stick it" to the abuser, but to raise awareness. Many people out there don't know what's a liturgical abuse and what isn't, what's allowed in the liturgy, and what isn't. These posts also help to persuade people to take action; to write letters, to do what needs to be done to see that abuses of our liturgy are corrected. If you don't like having your liturgical abuses made known to all, then don't do them! Our blogs are a force of good. Look at how they have brought Rochester Catholics together as a result of a unified love for our Church. The Rochester Catholic blogs are helping many to get through these dark times. Thank you Cleansing Fire. Thank you DOR Catholic. Thank you to all the Rochester bloggers. The Lord has treasure waiting for you all in the life to come.

  2. Gen says:

    Thank you for your validation, both of you. It's heartily appreciated!

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