Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

“So, Jesus is the Son of God? Oh . . . “

October 12th, 2009, Promulgated by Gen
Thus was the theological revelation of a college student who attends Sunday “Mass” at Old St. Mary’s Downtown. A friend of the blog has forwarded me a portion of the conversation:


Prof: Mr. B_____, can you explain for us what “God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God” means?
Mr. B______: Um. I pass.
Prof: No, you don’t. I like your voice and I want to hear it. Do you happen to attend a religious service at which the Nicene Creed is read?
Mr. B_____: Yeah. I go to St. Mary’s.
Prof: Oh. So you’re . . . Catholic?
Mr. B_____: Yeah. I guess so.
Prof: You guess so. Well. Can you elucidate the matter?
Mr. B_____: Um, no. Not really. ‘
Prof: Would you agree that Jesus is God?
Mr. B_____: Sure.
Prof: Would you then say that He is not God the Father?
Mr. B_____: Okay . . .
Prof: Well, He’s not the Holy Spirit, is He?
Mr. B_____: No, not really.

Awkward silence

Mr. B_____: So Jesus is the Son of God? Oh . . .”
Prof: Yes, Mr. B_____. “Oh” indeed.

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8 Responses to ““So, Jesus is the Son of God? Oh . . . “”

  1. Gen says:

    Granted, this is probably the case for most college kids. However, it reinforces the "progressive" image of St. Mary's and her alb-wearing, bread-breaking, Jesus-neutering administration.

    Prayers to them.

  2. Dr. K says:

    I'm curious about what comes from the pulpit at St. Mary's. If laypeople preach on any sort of regular basis, the preaching probably isn't very deep theologically.

    ~Dr. K

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well, Joan Sobala used to be there, so you can get the gist of it during a visit to St. Anne or Our Lady of Lourdes. It's very Protestant.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Even Protestants would find their preaching bland and uninspiring. Anybody who actually enjoys lay preaching must enjoy it simply because of the novelty of this accepted disobedience. The content of their preaching is poor and reflects their lack of strong theological education.

  5. Anonymous says:

    6 days from now at midnight we're going to reach 999!

  6. Anonymous says:

    >> Well, Joan Sobala used to be there, so you can get the gist of it during a visit to St. Anne or Our Lady of Lourdes. It's very Protestant.

    I'm not a betting man, but I'd wager that everyone at The Father's House, regardless of whether or not they know the Nicene Creed, knows that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. How embarrassing.


  7. Gen says:

    Well said. While trying to be ecumenical, some Catholics really lose sight of what their Christian identity is.

  8. Kelly says:

    When I was in college circa 1990, a professor asked the students assembled in the lecture hall, about 200 students, which faiths were represented. Having covered Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, Jehovah's Witnesses, he asked if there were any he hadn't mentioned. A young woman raised her hand and said that she was Catholic. She was shocked to find out that she was included in the 'Christian' category.

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