Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Male liturgical dancer

October 15th, 2009, Promulgated by Choir

I lifted this from Patrick Madrid’s blog. I would go to see him just to laugh my head off, even though I was in church. It would just be too funny for words.




4 Responses to “Male liturgical dancer”

  1. gretchen says:

    About an hour ago, my husband came up from his lair to tell me (in a mildly upset tone of voice) that Patrick Madrid "has a post on his blog supporting liturgical dance!" Ever the skeptic, I immediately looked to see what it was.

    Turns out he doesn't get the video on his RSS feed, so he had no idea what was really out there.

    Choir, we'd both be in church laughing with you.

  2. Gen says:

    Stephen Colbert is absolutely hilarious. His writers give him leftwing materials for his show, but he always gets in good shots in defense of Catholicism.

    Did anyone see where he yelled at a man who denied God's existence? "yeah? Well maybe God denies your existence, too genius."

  3. Anonymous says:

    He is one of my favorites!!!He seems to be right on and funny at the same time.

    CHOIR: Off the subject, I am on retreat now and in the book store they have a CD,CANTATE DOMINO…The psalmtones Men's Schola. I purchased it and it is lovely. It says they are local. Have you heard of them and do they have more CD'S?
    Sister Emily?

  4. Gen says:

    Sr. Emily, they are a St. Anne "schola." That is their only recording, to my knowledge. I have that recording and also find it very well done. However, I don't really get why "Danny Boy" is thrown in between pieces of sacred music. lol

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