Here is the official definition of liturgical dance, as defined by the folks at St. Mary’s Church downtown. Apparently the technical term, of which I was not previously aware, is now “liturgical movement.” That sounds so much more worshipful than liturgical dance, does it not? Emphasis added.
“Liturgical Movement (or liturgical dance) fosters communication between the assembly and the liturgical action. It is a dynamic tool for awakening and stirring the subtle forces and energies of life, inviting you and the music to become one in prayer.
Liturgical ministries at St. Mary’s include Communion minister, lector, hospitality minister, usher, cross bearer, projectionist, liturgical movement, bread baker and mass coordinator.”
Apparently the leaders of St. Mary did not read the Cleansing Fire post explaining how liturgical dance is not permitted in liturgies of the Western world. So for the fortieth time, here it is. In my opinion, the three great problems plaguing the Diocese of Rochester are: lay preaching, lay pastoral administration, and liturgical dance. End these three, and watch the situation around here improve tremendously.
Tags: Liturgical Prancing with the Stars, St. Mary's Downtown
Those are all problems, but I think the biggest is the heterodoxy and heresy that is taught from the pulpit, from diocese sponsored lectures, the diocese's newspaper, and most of all at st bernard's.
Their definition is ridiculous, and borders on New Age… "stirring the subtle forces and energies of life"
Nice picture! Very fitting.
3 greatest problems are Bishop Clark, Bishop Clark and Bishop Clark.
Speaking of Bishop Clark, when the clock strikes Midnight on day 999 I think we should all be up blogging one another on cleansing fire.
If that isn't neopagan drivel, I don't know what is.
Choir, you crack me up!
For all intent and purpose the bishop is sovereign in his diocese. So everything goes back to the bishop's control, or lack of control. He lets all this crazy nonsense go on. It certainly seems that the Catholic faith in this diocese if about an inch deep. All blame at the feet of Bishop Clark.
Is that how the dictionary defines liturgical dancing? "awakening and stirring the subtle forces and energies of life" ? These idiots sound like reiki shamans.
Bunch of New Age hippies. Do they still have the transgendered Christa Cross in their sanctuary? You know, the one purchase by Sr. Joan Sobala.
I also enjoy the dancing hippo. Truly fitting.
I would be more inteested in the official definition as given by Ethiopian Copts. They DO use liturgic dance, since as long they remember.
It would be interesting to see. I wish that more people would be able to learn that different Churches (the Orthodox being semi-valid, of course) have different views of liturgy. For some, especially the African Churches, liturgical dance is integral to their worship. However, they don't use it as people in the West use it, as a great neutralizer of the "male-dominated heirerarchy."