Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Whither Goest Thou?

September 8th, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

I think it’s about time for another Cleansing Fire reflection.

So often in our lives we are confronted with adversity, whether in society, private life, academic pursuits or the hierarchy in the cubicles. These numerous crosses which rise up can throw us far off course, occasionally driving a wedge of derision (and division, as well) between us and the Church, between us and salvation. Why do some falter while some become saints? Is there a true difference between them and us?

No, indeed there is not. Each person, even those whom we occasionally chastise here, is called to sanctity and sainthood in the universal Church. This is our true Christian vocation, to be saints and defenders of the faith. But, alas, we often fail at this when these crosses of life arise. This is the true problem, for without the cross life would be entirely free and burden-less. Indeed, if the literal cross of Calvary had not arisen, there would be no true core of Christianity. The theology and depth thereof would be lacking. The crosses which we encounter may not be the cross which Our Lord experienced, but we can learn from Him to thrive in the face of such an issue.

When a cross presents itself, we must ask ourselves, “where do we go?” Do we skirt the cross, taking an alternate route and postponing our own dolorous passion? Do we run head-long towards the cross, ready to embrace suffering for the sake of our souls (and Our Lord)? We must do this latter. Embrace the cross. Though the splinters of the cross cause us to bleed, though the nails cause us to be drained of our spiritual life-blood, we must kiss the cross. For after the passion and death of Our Lord on the Cross, what happened? The Resurrection. Yes, we must endure suffering for His sake, facing mockery, condemnation and hate. However, through this we reach a more perfect level of spiritual awareness, learning to offer up our sufferings as little penances and acts of reparation.

So, I pose the question to all of us: “Whither Goest Thou?” Do we embrace the cross or do we hide from it? I should think, reading the emails some of you send and the comments many of you post, we are generally taking the path of pain. And for that I am most glad. For after pain, only relief can come.

**Sorry to “go preachy” on you all. It’s been a while since I’ve had the time or energy to present a reflection such as this. It’s vastly easier to make sardonic YouTube videos and laugh rather than to reflect. This said, I have some videos in the works. You can expect them soon.**



5 Responses to “Whither Goest Thou?”

  1. nyyankeegirl says:

    Thank you for this reflection today, for me it was greatly needed. It was the first day of school here in our home and my husband and I have always taken the day off of work, we bring our children to school, and make a big celebration of the day. We do our best… but have to say since the closing of our catholic school in the last go round, the joy we had before the closings happened remains tempered, as hard as we try and as much as we pray. We did attend a prayer service here in the local DOR catholic school my son attends (not our parish, our school is gone). Anyway, we sat at the morning prayer service in the back pews of the church attached to the school, with students and teachers in the front half of the church. Yet, at this prayer service to start school, led by a nun and lay teachers, a PRIEST was relegated to sitting in the pews – he was in the last pew of the church, across from my husband and myself. At the end of the service this morning, he got up and was shaking hands with some parents he must have recognized and said "thank you for coming". Why wasnt this priest the one saying the prayers and leading the students this morning????? I was just aghast. And then remembered I read this blog for a reason. Another day in the DOR. 1040 days and counting……

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thank you the very well though out reflection. You put any "homily" by Sr. Joan Sobala to shame.

  3. Gen says:

    Those are very gratifying words, indeed.

  4. Mr. B says:

    Bravo! You really got to the heart of the matter!

    God Bless.

  5. Tony says:

    Very well done.

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