Dennis Sadowski of the Catholic News Service reports that questionnaires were sent to the 341 congregations of women’s religious orders in the U.S. on September 18th. These questionnaires mark the second part of the study into these religious orders by the Vatican. The questionnaire is divided into three sections dealing with items such as community life, membership, formation procedures, and governance. Based upon the results of these questionnaires, various religious orders will receive official visits early next year led by Mother Clare Millea, A.S.C.J. A detailed report will be sent to the Vatican by the middle of 2011 for their analysis.
Various documents pertaining to this investigation, as well as the questionnaires, are available online at the following address:
For the tech savvy persons out there, a Facebook group in support of the investigation is online and open to your membership:
Tags: News and Media
I'm excited about the changes that will be coming in the next few years. This doctrinal investigation should help clean up the acts of notorious dissenters such as Sr. Joans Chittester and Sobala. The Vatican is moving towards the long awaited "Reform of the Reform". And the Diocese of Rochester is a few years closer to a new shepherd. It really is a great time to be a DoR Catholic despite the current hell we're in. Our future is bright.
Is the woman in the picture possessed?
What are the odds on a visit to Rochester during this investigation? I would love to see it happen. If they are going to visit ANYWHERE, I'd imagine the DOR would be near the top of the list.