A friend sends the following message (and accompanying image) along to Cleansing Fire: Chava Redonnet, a member of Spiritus Christi who was “ordained” a deacon in the past year, will now be “ordained” a priest May 1st of 2010.
Below is a screen capture of the post. I removed the name of a commenter for their privacy.
It appears that Spiritus will have a priest(ess) or two to carry on the schismatic tradition when Jim Callan and Mary Ramerman decide to retire.
For the record, this “ordination” will be not only illicit, but invalid.
Spiritus will have only 1 male pretend priest, yet they will have 3 female pretend priests. Where is the justice for the male pretend priests? Isn't Spiritus just the female version of what they were fighting against?
Well said.