Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Mass or Broadway Musical?

September 23rd, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

Yet again, Church of the Good Shepherd will be holding a children/teen liturgy. Certainly there is nothing wrong with that, don’t get me wrong. But “dancers”? I guess the condemnations of dance in the Mass by the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments mean nothing to those in charge?

Here’s the bulletin ad:

“Attention children and teens of all ages! We are looking for singers, dancers, readers, collection helpers, greeters, and help with bulletin distribution for the Children & Teen Liturgy, October 18, 9 AM.”

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4 Responses to “Mass or Broadway Musical?”

  1. Rob says:

    Nancy DeRycke is a big fan of liturgical dance. She's basically introduced dance into the Mass at each of her previous assignments. It's like that saying goes, one liturgical abuse breeds another. And this all starts with her wearing the alb and taking over the Mass.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What is the worst thing here is that she's using our children to make a mockery of the Mass. Instead of dressing in a tutu and doing ballet in the aisles herself, she's subjecting our children to her desire to turn the Mass into an entertainment experience instead of worship experience. Ejoy your fun and insults the Lord while it lasts, because 2012 is just around the corner.

  3. Nerina says:

    This sounds like a mockery in the making. I really don't like teen Masses or even children's Masses. Our cultures caters to children endlessly. I think the Mass is the one time when we should all be worshiping in one voice with one style. And I have 5 young kids, so I'm not anti-kid in anyway. But I hate the dumbed-down approach we take when teaching our kids about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. These highly stylized Masses do nothing to convey the significance of the Mass or impart genuine understanding of the Mass. I'd love to conduct a survey of the kids afterwards.

  4. Gen says:

    If certain dioceses (and many do it) didn't water down our theology, and alter the faith in making it so banal, then our youth would definitely be much more on-target.

    Life Teen Masses are among the most inappropriate things in Creation. I believe Fr. Tim Horan actually removed them from his parish (St. Margaret Mary) when he took over. A nod of the miter to him.

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