Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

IPPG Under CF Interdict

September 2nd, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

Regarding the Irondequoit Pastoral Planning Group’s latest statements:


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10 Responses to “IPPG Under CF Interdict”

  1. RochChaCha says:

    Sounds like the IPPG and the Bishop have some very strict criteria for which parishes to close. 1) determine which parish is the most orthodox and 2) determine which parish has communion rails in which are used to hold back the various pets that are brought into the church. Just when I thought the Bishop couldn't do more damage, he and the planning groups press forward. God help us.

  2. This isn't fair, if I had known that for all these years that we could have taken our pets to church, I'd had my pets in the front seat with me.

    They're kinda stingy and probably wouldn't put anything in the collection. I think my German Shepherd doesn't like the Bishop at all, so we could have some growling going on here. I'll try to restraint my dog, but he's pretty strong. I tried to teach him not to bark, but it didn't work. I'm also afraid my dog might mistake the altar rail for some kind of fire hydrant. oooops!

    Maybe I should bring my other German Shepherd, Pope Benedict, with me.

  3. Gen says:

    I have a feeling you'd be more able to bring a dog into a parish in Rochester than you would the pope.

  4. Bernie says:

    Great clip. Nice job!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I am bringing my Camel.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The purpose of the altar rail is to keep Joan Sobala and Nancy DeRycke out of the sanctuary. I think that's pretty obvious.

  7. Gen says:

    Any volunteers to build communion rails at Good Shepherd and St. Anne?


  8. Anonymous says:

    I would, but they probably would stop me halfway through the job.

  9. Gen says:

    That's when you pull out your badge and say, "It's alright, folks, I'm with the Liturgy Police."

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