Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Interior Pictures of St. Josephs

September 12th, 2009, Promulgated by Choir

These are not the best pictures,but they will give you some idea of what the interior used to look like.

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4 Responses to “Interior Pictures of St. Josephs”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Choir, where did these pictures come from, and how can I obtain larger copies of them? The interior looks amazing. This is the first time I have ever seen any image of it.

  2. Dear Anon: They came from books at the Local History Section of the public library on South Avenue in downtown Rochester. Hope that helps.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Do you remember the name of the book(s)?

  4. I think one of them was The Bells of St. Joe's. Just ask the librarian to show you where the book are kept about different area Catholic churches. There are 3 books, as I remember, all about St. Joe's. Good luck. If you need more, let me know.

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