WARNING – I wouldn’t let children watch this video without an adult viewing it first.
This is a very sobering video about faith. Christians, especially Catholics (because we have the fullness of truth) are being shut down and marginalized by the state. Perhaps this video will remind us of what suffering might come. Please watch all of it.
I would be very interested in reading your comments.
I watched this while eating my lunch – not a good idea.
I had the same feelings as I did when I watched MG's Passion.
Surely makes you think about how convicted you are.
Painful to watch, but persecution of christians continues. We must stand up and fight.
Makes you think twice about the word we see so often-"martyr"-doesn't it?
Glad you liked my video, thanks for watching!
Lutheran – Thank you so much for posting it. Especially in today's culture, the video gives us much to reflect and act upon. How have the comments you've received been? It seems if the people pray to God, they are okay; but when the waver in pray the devils (lions) attack them.