Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Attention Cleansing Fire Choir!

September 4th, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

The list of songs to be sung is completed, and my fraternal relation has happily agreed to assist us in our music making and recording.

So, at this point I ask any additional people wishing to sing to email me via the link at the right of the post. As of now, there are about four of us, plus previously mentioned fraternal relation. It would be an immense blessing if even just one more person stepped forth to “glorify God through our music.”

I will be emailing all choir volunteers the list of songs we will be recording. Hopefully, before the end of next week, I will be able to send you the actual musical notation for the songs.


2 Responses to “Attention Cleansing Fire Choir!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I play the harp and violin but that probably is not what you are looking for.sorry my voice is a little monatone.

  2. Gen says:

    If you're still willing, we could definitely use a little violin accompaniment. Just send me an email at, and I'll send the details.

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