Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Another Day in the DoR, Another Installation Mass

September 24th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

The following is an ad for the October 4th installation Mass of St. Pius X Pastoral Administrator, William Rabjohn (click on the ad to enlarge):

This is not meant to be a criticism of this man, who I hear is very holy and orthodox from SPX members, especially in comparison to the “big two” Women’s Ordination Conference P.A.’s who received installation Masses over the past year. I do not understand, however, why the diocese feels the need to celebrate a position which is of dubious legality according to Canon Law; a position whose title does not exist in the Catholic Church (and is even discouraged because it sounds like a priest), whose job description is not explained in Church documents.

Is anyone aware of installation Masses for our area priests when they are assigned to a parish? If so, are there any “rituals” like the ones seen at these P.A. installation Masses?

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11 Responses to “Another Day in the DoR, Another Installation Mass”

  1. Mike says:

    When one writes a book lauding lay ecclesial ministry I suppose one feels the need to celebrate lay ecclesial ministers every chance one gets.

  2. Sed says:

    I'm not aware of a single installment Mass for a priest in the Diocese of Rochester. The diocese enjoys reveling in the fact that its defying the Vatican, and getting away with it.

    2012… tick tick tick. Our next bishop is going to put an end to this.

  3. Ben Anderson says:

    It's funny. We have a new full time priest at spx (Mr. Rabjohn's assistant). His name hasn't been mentioned whatsover in regards to this installation. I would think if the bishop really did respect the office of priest that he would be included in this celebration.

  4. Gen says:

    Definitely. Just the fact that the priest is an assistant to a layperson is a HUGE problem, regardless of one's orthodoxy or heterodoxy.

    It's huge, Rochester, huge.

  5. Ben Anderson says:

    haha – huge. That just triggered my brain into thinking of alternate titles to the CMA video:
    "Keeping the hugeness alive" or
    "Keeping the humour alive"

  6. Mr. Rabjohn, who almost certainly will read this post, can ask the parish to refrain from celebrating this boutique liturgy in his honor.

  7. Gen says:

    I have heard only good things about this man. I certainly hope St. Pius X begins to crawl back up from the precipice of liturgical abuse/impropriety upon which it has so long been so precariously perched.

  8. Anonymous says:

    These installation Masses are a joke and an insult to the ordained priesthood. Bishop Clark is creating a lay hierarchy in this diocese that operates parallel to, and in certain situations, above the ordained hierarchy. This is exactly what Pope Benedict spoke against while in Brazil. We can not clericalize the laity and give them tasks pertaining to the priestly orders. Enough is enough.

  9. Tony says:

    I'm not aware of any priest installation Masses.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Gen: "It's huge, Rochester, huge."


  11. Kelly says:

    A view from Buffalo Diocese: We had a lovely reception following each Mass when our new Permanent Deacon was ordained and began his assignment at our Parish, his home parish. The Bishop was only present at the ordination and the celebration for all who were ordained on that day in Buffalo. When a new Pastor is assigned to our parish,(our parish is under the care of the Mercedarians) we have a reception for all to meet/greet/welcome. We have three priests at all times serving our parish and they have come and gone over the years – never had any sort of installation ceremony. Cards and other tokens of well wishes and some refreshments in the parish hall have been offered in when appropriate. The Bishop, rightfully so, taking care of business at the Chancery in Buffalo. As for the laity, there is nothing to 'install'. Except for the occasional blown light bulb – the task of which is left to the laity…

    Imagine – the spiritual feeding of a flock actually coming from an ordained priest! Lay homilists need not apply.

    Pastor – Jeremiah 3:15 – word used in Hebrew: ??? (ra?ah) – one who manages the flock or spiritually feeds the flock.

    Jer 3:15 – I will appoint over you shepherds after my own heart, who will shepherd you wisely and prudently

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