I’m sure some of you have heard about the huge scandal erupting with ACORN, one of the most active pro-Obama organizations. They . . . welll . . . just watch the video. It’s disgusting.
|Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church |
It is disgusting. I am glad to see so many state governments like ours starting todistance themseelves from ACORN. – Ron
I am afraid that ACORN is a mere tip of the iceberg.
Having worked for Head Start in the 1990s, I have a better understanding of the model which they work from. They hire former clients to work for them, placing a greater importance on hiring a former client rather than the person who is most qualified to do the job. You will have people with a B.S. degree with a specialization in child development working under the supervision a person who is a former client, high school dropout and who clearly has questionable integrity and character. If there is a problem, the person with the B.S. will be let go before they will ever fire a former client. They take pride in having a staff full of former clients and believe me, the former clients love having young and naive college graduates under them. It is a vicious circle of newbies who want to make a difference coming and leaving within a few years – not due to the pay (which is horrible) – but due to the preferential treatment which they do not even know enough to hide.
I am not contributing to the CCHD this year and question how anyone can support more community organizers. You do not know who you can trust. Catholic Charities or a local organization which you are familiar with would be better served, IMO. See my latest blog entry: http://catholicponderings.blogspot.com/2009/09/new-look-at-acorn-and-usccb-cchd.html