Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Still Looking For Musical Recruits

August 22nd, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

I was thinking that after the glorious organ music of Widor, some people might be emboldened to volunteer for a “Cleansing Fire Musical production.” No, it’s not “Pope Joan: The Musical.” The name and content will only be revealed when the recording is done.

Really, I need volunteers for this venture. I only have 1 volunteer at present. My goal is for four+. You wouldn’t want to let me down, now, would you? I’d be so hurt.

Here is a hint for the finished piece(s): The hills are alive.


3 Responses to “Still Looking For Musical Recruits”

  1. Anonymous says:

    So it's not Pope Joan the Musical?

  2. Nerina says:


    I can read music and sing (well, that's what the people around me at church say :). I played clarinet for years. I'd say I have a mezzo-soprano range. Would I be of any use in your production?

  3. Gen says:

    Nerina, you would definitely be an asset. If you could email me at, it would be excellent. I will then fill you in on what our "Cleansing Fire Choir" will be doing.

    It will be great.

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