Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

St. Andrew’s on Portland Avenue — Church Architecture

August 25th, 2009, Promulgated by Choir

This video, using Rochester’s Saint Andrew Church on Portland Avenue, gives a basic overview of church architecture. The video shows basic parts of a church (in cruciform style). It describes what an apse, transepts, nave, clerestory are. This parish had Msgr. George Eckl as its pastor. He died at 100 (he was pastor emeritus then). The special effects in the video can be distracting.



3 Responses to “St. Andrew’s on Portland Avenue — Church Architecture”

  1. Anonymous says:

    It's a beautiful church. Such a shame that they moved the tabernacle out of the sanctuary and destroyed the former high altar in the name of VII.

  2. Sister Emily says:

    The call to the sacraments….Can anyone read what is written over the top of where the holy oil is kept. I would like to know.

  3. I think it says "You Anoint My Head Which, My Cup Overflows."

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