Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Rochester Blogs Get Airtime

August 18th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

Various Rochester blogs, including your host, Cleansing Fire, received some free advertising on Buffalo’s Station of the Cross (available at 1460 AM in Rochester). Here is a YouTube video with the audio. Our deepest gratitude to Stations of the Cross for this promotion.


Other blogs getting airtime:
DoR Catholic
Fallacies & Fashions
The Rochesterian Seminarian
Southern Tier Seminarian

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7 Responses to “Rochester Blogs Get Airtime”

  1. Tony says:

    That's awesome!

  2. Next step is to get the Station of the Cross to link to our blogs from their website.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Maybe they are returning the favor for promoting the Fr. Corapi conference.

    God bless Station of the Cross!

  4. Ever notice how different Rochester is pronounced in Buffalo than in Rochester. Buffalonians says
    rah-Chester. A native Rochesterian would say rah-chister.

    In addition, Buffalonians, when giving directions, will say, for example, "take the 190…" They will use "the" in front of the number route number. Whereas in Rochester we would say "take 490".

    When I lived in Buffalo that was immediately noticeable to me. They other thing Buffalo has far more than Rochester are concrete driveways. We have more blacktop driveways.

    In Canada, they say, highway and we say route.

  5. Ben Anderson says:

    In the choir loft,
    yes, I noticed the pronunciation of Rochester when I first moved here. Being from Pittsburgh a lot of phrases and pronunciations are different. The most fun word in western PA is yinz (or youns, or yuns). It's you plural. Yuns wanna pray the rosary?

  6. Heck, yeah Ben. One of our organist at the Latin Mass was from Pittsburgh and he noticed it right away too. What is it you say in Pittsburgh when you want to clean up your room…"red up your room". My old girlfriend lives now in Pittsburgh and you'd swear she never lived in Rochester. In fact, our organist now at the TLM is from Pittsburgh also.

    See this

  7. Anonymous says:


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