Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

New Videos from Cleansing Fire

August 17th, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

The first video below is in perfect working order. The second one, putting the church photos into a video, had its audio track deleted by YouTube for a supposed copyright problem. Seriously, who bothers to renew a copyright from 1932?

If anyone cares to look for the music, just type in the words from the first slide of the movie. It’s a good song and perfectly described the video. The video, as it is now, makes little sense. Don’t hold me accountable for it, please.



12 Responses to “New Videos from Cleansing Fire”

  1. For the closing churches vid, I would use Locus Iste by Bruckner.

    I still haven't figured out how to hypertext yet so you don't have to copy and paste.

  2. Gen says:

    Not a problem. I've got seven (?) settings of the Locus Iste, so I'm sure one has to be Bruckner's.

  3. Gen, 2 things…The words of Locus Iste are so very appropriate for churches.

    Locus iste a Deo factus est, inaestimabile sacramentum, irreprehensibilis est.

    This place was made by God,
    an inestimably holy place.
    It is without blame.

    I'm still trying to work through how to post pictures. I just got some of our old Cathedral in ruins and the inside of Holy Redeemer and SSPP. Plus an outside one of OLV from the 30s, I'd say. They are pdf files. Does that matter for uploading?

    Sorry to be such a bad student.

  4. Dr. K says:

    YouTube probably uses a script that scans the audio tracks of all recently uploaded videos for comparisons to a database of copyrighted tracks. I had a great idea for a DoR video that with the Beatles "Get Back", but I know for sure they wouldn't allow that one.

    ~Dr. K

  5. Dr. K says:

    *with => works with

  6. Anonymous says:

    "For he danced hands a loft, till his pants fell right off"


  7. Dave says:

    No two videoes can better state the case for the need for prayers for the liberals desicrating the DOR. At a time when I was full of anger I wise priest told me to prayer for those that were the source of that anger as they will surely need them. Yes pray for their souls, but their retirement FIRST.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Amen, Dave!

  9. Sed says:

    I enjoyed the new and improved limericks with images/video. Very nice, and funny.

  10. Sister Emily says:

    The first video,,,HA HA HA HA
    Will we ever stop Laughing at the man with the droopy pants? By the way for your listening pleasure he has a new video on u tube. Someone at work told him he looks like he is suffering from burnout.You may or may not want to watch it.

    The second video, Cleansing Fire once again reminds of of the terrible destructive management in the DOR.The sad part there is no going back, how much damage can be done in 1062 days? I am convinced we are living our last days.

  11. Dr. K says:

    We're roughly 2 months away from the 999 mark! When we get down to triple digits, the real countdown will begin.

    ~Dr. K

  12. Sister Emily says:

    Hey Dr.K , Thats my line!!

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