Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Need Volunteers

August 8th, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

I have been working on a project as of late, and desperately need some people to assist in accomplishing it. I am looking for people who have the following:

  • musical experience (vocal/polyphonic)
  • a sense of humor (necessary)
  • a desire to sing
  • the ability to match pitch, possibly harmonize (if you are able)

All I will say right now is that, if this materializes, it will be the most entertaining thing ever to come from one of the Rochester-area Catholic blogs.

Please respond to Even if you’re not entirely certain, please, please, please send an email.


4 Responses to “Need Volunteers”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I nominate Choir!

  2. It does kyna have my name written all over it, doesn't it, Anon. I knew all that musical education would pay off one day. Maybe this is my big break.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Please tell that organist at St. Stan. his playing was outstanding today!! The last hymn I had all I could do to refrain from shouting BRAVO!! My My he was good!!

  4. Anon 5:41..I will. It would mean a lot more if you told him. I know he would greatly appreciate it. From the 3 to 4 verse of the last hymn, he did a super good job on modulation from F to G. We are lucky to have him. He also plays at the cathedral.

    Thanks for your comment!

    BTw..This coming Saturday at noon there will be Tridentine Latin Mass with Gregorian schola providing the chant. This is in honor of the Assumption of the BVM.

    Try and come, that is unless you're going to Father Corapi's talk in Buffalo.

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