Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Name that church — It’s St. Mary’s in Medina

August 26th, 2009, Promulgated by Choir

If you can name the church where this picture was taken, I will write an article about your favorite Catholic Church in Monroe County. Hint: the picture is not of a church in the diocese of Rochester. The first correct response wins. Winner is based on the time-stamp at the end of your post. Good luck!


20 Responses to “Name that church — It’s St. Mary’s in Medina”

  1. Gen says:

    Is it the Church of the Holy Rectifier in the Diocese of Cleansing Fire?

  2. Not right ebishop. While it didn't kill 'em, it darn' near rectum.

  3. Mr. B says:

    Our Lady of Victory Basilica in Lackawanna?

  4. Nope, but the church is in the diocese of Buffalo. Good try, try again,

  5. Sister Emily says:

    I bet this is not in the city as the poster said Monroe County. I think if it was in the city he would have said in the city.
    hmmmmmmmmm still thinking

  6. The church in the picture is in the diocese of Buffalo.

  7. Gen says:

    Perhaps St. Louis?

  8. Mr. B says:

    St. Joseph's cathedral?

  9. Not, St. Joseph's …okay..time for a new hint…the church is not in the City of Buffalo, but it is within the Buffalo diocese.

  10. Nerina says:


    All I want to know is if it is within driving distance from the east side of Rochester? That is one beautiful altar and tabernacle.

  11. Mary Kay says:

    My guess is the church that does the TLM but I don't know its name (might even have been mentioned already).

  12. Nerina…It would take about 50 mintues to get there from Rochester.

    Would you all like another hint?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Another hint please

  14. The church is either in Genesee or Orleans County.

  15. Rob says:

    Holy Family in Batavia?

  16. Not Holy Family in Batavia. Sorry.

  17. I will post the correct answer on Saturday.

  18. The church is Saint Mary's in Medina, which is in Orleans County.

  19. Gen says:

    It's beautiful. I'll have to go there sometime.

  20. Is this the original church building? The first of my Eagan great-grandparents' children, Catherine Jane Eagan, was baptized at St. Mary's in 1853.

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