Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, ‘Tis Off to Buffalo We Go

August 14th, 2009, Promulgated by Gen

I will be leaving for Buffalo in about an hour to attend the “Corapi Conference,” whose theme this year is “Lord and Giver of Life,” aka, “Holy Spirit.” Below is the description of the event from Fr. Corapi’s site:

Father Corapi will be preaching what he says will be one of his most powerful presentations ever on the person and power of the Holy Spirit. He will be delivering four exciting and moving sermons for the first and only time at this special conference. Topics will include, “The Theology of the Person and Power of the Holy Spirit,” “The Gift that Contains All Gifts,” “The Holy Spirit is Given to Those that Obey,” and “The Spirit We Have Been Given is No Cowardly Spirit!” More Info

Looks like someone’s been reading Cleansing Fire . . .



18 Responses to “Hi Ho, Hi Ho, ‘Tis Off to Buffalo We Go”

  1. Enjoy it, eBishop. Hope you're wearing your cleansingfiredor shirt/habit for some advertising.

  2. Tony says:

    Will Cleansing Fire be covering the event?

  3. The cleasing Fire blog just got mentioned on 1460, Catholic Radio!!!

  4. Dr. K says:

    Choir, what did they say on 1460? I was at my office all day setting up vegetation and flipping through books, I didn't get a chance to listen.

    ~Dr. K

  5. Anonymous says:

    CHOIR.. what did 1460 say???

  6. Anonymous says:

    HEY GEN who is in charge of us while your gone? Have a good time.

  7. What happened was this: Some squirrely person sent an email to 1460 asking if there were any good Catholic blogs in the Buffalo area and that same person said that the Rochester area has the CF blog, Mike's dorcatholic blog and Ben Anderson's blog too.

    So, the "word" got spread on the airwaves about this blog and others.

  8. Dr. K says:

    That's great news!

    Welcome to anyone who has come here after listening to Station of the Cross.

    ~Dr. K

  9. Anonymous says:

    ooo, radio advertising!!! When will we start seeing Cleansing Fire TV ads? Or an ad in the Catholic Courier?

  10. Anon 7:36 p.m. You know where the TLM Community got its best bang for the buck was putting an ad in The Campus Times at the UR. We got 5 students for the TLM. Two became priests also. So our community has spurred 2 men into the priesthood and possibly another one in the making now.

    This diocese has to wake up and smell the incense. While the TLM has given vocations. The orthodox teachings of the Church just rings true with potential seminarians. I know one guy going into Becket Hall this month. He is rock solid philosophically and theologically.

    An immense debt of gratitude goes to the Irenaeus Center on Blossom Road. Dave Higbee is an awesome mentor and tutor. He is 100% orthodox in his Catholic faith and he passes this on to these open minds. The St. Titus group for 20s and 30s has turned out some good catechists, teachers and seminarians.

    Other good influences are the orthodox priests of the diocese.

  11. Anonymous says:

    "I know one guy going into Becket Hall this month. He is rock solid philosophically and theologically. "

    He'll probably be weeded out by B.C. like Zach Enes was.

    All of our young orthodox men entering discernment need to keep their heads down, their hands folded in prayer, and their mouths shut until 2012. When that day arrives they can, to put a play on the gay movement lingo, "come out" as orthodox priests who love tradition.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Sorry to change the subject…do you think there will be a CD coming out with Father Corapi's talks in Buffalo?
    I, and I'm sure many others, would love to go, but can't.

  13. Anon 8:31. I didn't know Zach Enes so I really can't comment. But, yeah, the orthodox sems have to keep a low profile. I agree.

    Anon 9 p.m. Yes, I heard there will be CDs available. I'm not sure when though.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Hey choir, who is the priest who helped out with distributing Communion today at the TLM? The one who was sitting on the left side of the sanctuary. Is he Fr. Bonsignore?

  15. Yes, that is Father B. I hope you said hello to him! It was so unbearably hot in the loft to be singing. Phewwwww. Well, I guess I'd rather be hot in this life than the next one.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Father Bonsignore should be our next Bishop. Well maybe he could job share with father Antinarelli.

  17. Somebody from the Father Corapi write and tell us how it was. Was the Mass hoky?

  18. Gen says:

    Putting up an article, so I'll address all of this in that.

    Preview: AMAZING

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