Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Another baby saved, Praise God!

August 28th, 2009, Promulgated by Choir

Dear Prolifers,

I am so happy to report to you that another preciousbaby was saved from abortion on Thursday, August 27th. atPlanned Parenthood!!

This was about to be an RU 486 abortion. We interceptedthe mother & her daughter who were about to go intoPlanned Parenthood. The woman’s daughter is 18 years old& didn’t want her mother to kill her brother or sister.We talked to the mother & then brought her into the FocusCenter. She cried with remorse for what she was aboutto do.

She was wearing the Rosary, around her neck, that I gaveher about six weeks ago, when she passed me on thesidewalk. She wasn’t pregnant then or she didn’t knowshe was. The Blessed Mother was interceding for her.She is talking about adoption & Suzanne, the counselorat Focus, called Bethany Adoption Services, for our client.The daughter was so happy that her mother ‘choose life’today. They went away very happy & we will continue tosupport this family, through her pregnancy. What ablessing this day was though sad for the lives thatwere lost.

There also could have been a second save. Praise God!The couple passed us on the sidewalk & he said to thegirl that he was with, looking at the graphic picture, “this is what you are about to do”. She told him to”shut up” & they walked into Planned Parenthood.Less then 10 minutes later they both came walking outand I offered him a Truth packet, with lots ofinformation in it, which he took. They walked downthe sidewalk. Thank you Lord!

Keep praying & we need you,Mary

I want to thank all the prolifers that were therewitnessing & praying, on the sidewalk, in defending’life’.



3 Responses to “Another baby saved, Praise God!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    God bless all those active in our local Pro-Life community. The Lord has treasure waiting for you all in Heaven.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is amazing news.

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