Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Poll #1 – Evaluating Your Local Homily

July 5th, 2009, Promulgated by Dr. K

There is an interesting post at Ten Reasons right now about homiletics. I thought it might be worth the while of Cleansing Fire readers to take a little quiz related to this topic. It’s a simple quiz, only one question. This poll is to help you figure out whether you’re getting what you should out of your Sunday homily.

Select the statement which best describes the homily you heard at your parish this weekend.

Hint: If you answered anything other than ‘A’, you should consider stopping by Our Lady of Victory or St. Stanislaus a few times for some real Catholic education from the pulpit. You may even begin to sing to yourself that 1980s Modern English song that goes “You’ve seen the difference, and it’s getting better all the time.”



3 Responses to “Poll #1 – Evaluating Your Local Homily”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank God there was no interpretive mime dancing at my parish! Though I have seen it before.

  2. Dr. K says:

    With 25 votes cast thus far, it appears the majority of readers (64%) heard a solid homily this Sunday. 1/4 of those polled are still enduring bland, feel-good preaching, and another 12% are in liturgical hell. Thankfully nobody suffered through a mime dance!

    The results of this poll are encouraging.

    ~Dr. K

  3. Venti Caramel Machiato says:

    They are indeed. Deo Gratias!

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