I’ve been a fan of Stephen Colbert for a while and, while he may not be the most conservative voice out there, he always defends the unborn, the Church, and the right to life. His shows often have a segment called “Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger,” in which he approves or disapproves of an official, an event, a political party etc . . .
Well, I got to thinking, if he can do it, why can’t we? So, thus is born a weekly article called “Nod of the Miter, Smack of the Crozier.” Obviously, a nod of the miter is a good and favorable thing. A smack of the crozier is most decidedly not.
Today finds Cleansing Fire giving out a Nod of the Miter to . . .
the priests of the Irondequoit Cluster.
These men have a lot of work cut out for them, so we must acknowledge their efforts thus far, and pray for their continued health of mind and body. A heart-felt “thank you” goes out to Frs. William Leone, Timothy Horan, Norm Tanck, Joseph Trovato and Richard Beligotti.
However, we also are giving out a Smack of the Crozier to . . .
Ray Grosswirth. What’s happened to the steady stream of entertaining videos? We in the Catholic community (Catholic, as in, “not schismatically Protestant”) rely on his videos as one relies on a flu vaccination. We need a little bit of exposure to disease to enable us to more readily fight it off. I can feel a little tickle in my throat already. Cough.
I know, tell me about it. Grosswirth used to provide me with countless minutes of entertainment, both through his humorous blink-less videos and his moderately amusing heretical blog. But now, well,It's just not the same since he went over to Spiritus. I demand my entertainment!
I like it.
I miss ol' Ray and his crazy antics. So much laughter he brought to the world is now gone. Now he's entertaining the people at Spiritus Christi.
Spiritus Christi…the Land of the Free and the Home of the Gay!