Do you have what it takes to earn the favor of Bishop Matthew Clark? Take this quiz to find out if you can join the echelons of the great ones in Rochester, including but not limited to: Nancy DeRycke, Joan Sobala and Margaret Ostramecki.;=1&&
If anyone who takes this wants an explanation as to my answers, just post a comment.
I scored a 0…a 0!
Guess I wouldn't cut it.
HYSTERICAL!! I too flunked. This site is so much fun!
lol… I got a 90%, yay!
I tried to think how a Joan Sobala would think, and say what Bishop Clark would like to hear. Not bad. Looks like I scored high enough to fool Bishop Clark into giving me a lay administrator job.
~Dr. K
"Sister" Joan Sobala's picture has been posted many times. When are you going to post pictures of these other actresses?
Any word on Bishop Clark's 30th anniversary Mass? I want to go see the liturgical dancers make fools of themselves.
Sr. Joan is the most beautiful of them all.
I know, not saying much.
To Anon 8:53 – the other administrators have no photos in the public domain. I look constantly, but I only have a few: Joan Sobala, Barb Swiecki and a possible photo (was not tagged) of Nancy DeRycke. I'd have used it already, but it hasn't been verified as being her.
I will get you some pictures. How do I send them to you?
Time for another video please. I really enjoy them
My email is Thanks for your part in the upcoming production.
It will probably come out within the next three-five days.
Thirty five!! I want one now.
j/k Can't wait.
Here is a quote, containing good advice, from the biography of St. John Fisher, whose feast day was yesterday:
John Fisher "was the only bishop to oppose Henry VIII?s actions, on the grounds that they were a repudiation of papal authority, but even so he avoided direct confrontation with the other bishops, not holding himself up as a hero or boasting of his coming martyrdom: I condemn no other man?s conscience: their conscience may save them, and mine must save me. We should remember, in all the controversies in which we engage, to treat our opponents as if they were acting in good faith, even if they seem to us to be acting out of spite or self-interest."
And so we do. We are only the Lord's good servants, acting in all humility. If we were not humble in our pursuits, we would fail, for we would be acting for ourselves, and not for Our Lord. Indeed, when we focus only on being righteous in the eyes of others, we often loose the ability to be counted among the righteous ones in Heaven.