Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Fr. Spilly… AGAIN

January 24th, 2013, Promulgated by Dr. K

Fr. William Spilly, pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Hamlin, has a long history of criticizing the Catholic Church and calling for change from within. In his latest critique, Father opines that the Church must promote equality for gays and women inside the institution.

One can only speculate what this so-called equality would entail.

spilly on gays and women in church


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16 Responses to “Fr. Spilly… AGAIN”

  1. JLo says:

    May we presume that Fr. Spilly message has been forwarded to +Cunningham?

  2. annonymouse says:

    I don’t think one needs to speculate at all. His enthusiastic participation in an organization that has made well-known its support for same-sex “marriage” precludes any need to speculate.

    Why Father still has an assignment to shepherd the flock in Hamlin – now that is something to speculate about!

    Sinful pride, that’s all this is. Which if limited to one person is bad enough, but it’s downright dangerous in a pastor who will be held accountable for the souls entrusted to his care.

  3. Bernie says:

    Causing quite a bit of scandal, that one.
    More scandal that he is allowed to continue.

  4. Scott W. says:

    I don’t think one needs to speculate at all.

    Agreed. He tips his hand when he invokes the President.

  5. Thinkling says:

    A relevant apologetic nugget for anyone interested:

    Consider myself and my identical twin, alike in all ways but that one of us is straight and one has SSA.

    Fr. Spilly, show me one state in the union where at any point in time, the universe of available marriage partners for my twin and myself were not the same.

    [jeopardy theme]

    Where the law treated my twin and myself differently with regards to marriage. Where marriage laws discriminated against either my twin or myself (which could only be due to our orientations).

    [double jeopardy]

    I will go one further. Show me one place in the Catechism, or indeed in any Church document or teaching, which deems my twin and myself to be intrinsically unequal in any way. (Asshattery prevention alert: specifics of pastoral care don’t count. Equality is not synonymity)

    [final jeopardy]

    What is “man and woman He created them”, Alex?

  6. ROBERT says:

    Billy, It’s time for you to leave! You’re are nice guy but out of wack.

  7. militia says:

    We should each print out pages like this and mail to Bishop Cunningham, but do not mail into DoR, as we have no assurance he will ever get it.

    Send it to him in Syracuse, as Apostolic Administrator. His address is:

    His Excellency, Bishop Robert Cunningham,
    Apostolic Administrator of Rochester Diocese
    c/o The Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse
    240 East Onondaga St.
    Syracuse, NY 13202

  8. Ron says:

    Remember: He was a friend of Father Callan.

  9. Dr. K says:

    Thanks for the reminder.

    See this article:

  10. eyeondor says:

    I chose to send a letter to the Syracuse address listed above. I hope it doesn’t go unanswered.

    I would like to point out that I saw Father Ted Metzger along with Father Spilly at a restaurant recently together. I wonder if they were discussing the homosexual agenda they are both in favor of. I tried to talk to Father Ted Metzger after his column was posted and he pretended not to hear me in the church. I probably won’t even both trying to approach Fr. Spilly. I figure there is no point since he’s openly liberal and believes in gay “marriage.”

    I would like to say, I am getting disenchanted with Bp. Cunningham. It appears he believes in all the same progressive behaviors as Bp. Clark and that he believes in turning a blind eye. I was so hopeful. Do we have any evidence that he is different?

  11. Ben Anderson says:

    I would like to say, I am getting disenchanted with Bp. Cunningham. It appears he believes in all the same progressive behaviors as Bp. Clark and that he believes in turning a blind eye.

    I definitely don’t think this is a good conclusion yet. The man is in a really tough position. First of all – he’s got 2 dioceses right now. Also, he’s only AA.. and only for a temporary period. So, I’m sure his time wouldn’t be best spent learning all he can about the DOR. And lastly, we really have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes. When we get a new bishop and he’s had plenty of time to settle in and you see bulletin articles like that above that the bishop ignores, then I’ll be worried. But for now, I think we have reason to be hopeful.

    Do we have any evidence that he is different?

    Yes – go back and read the posts about him discontinuing the general absolution services.

    I chose to send a letter to the Syracuse address listed above. I hope it doesn’t go unanswered.

    I wouldn’t doubt you’ll get an answer in time.

  12. Dr. K says:

    Keep in mind that the Diocese of Rochester was deconstructed over a lengthy 33 years (43 if one counts Bp. Hogan). Bp. Clark didn’t close both of our seminaries, shut down 40 churches and 51 elementary schools, appoint lay administrators, open the St. Barnyard heretical institute, and decimate the priesthood all during his first year as bishop. The diocese will not be rebuilt overnight, and certainly not during a short period of transition.

    Bp. Cunningham has taken several actions such as: addressing the abuse of general absolution, preventing jazz concerts at the Cathedral, and managing some pastoral leadership issues.

    We — all of us — must be patient with our next bishop. He has an overwhelming task ahead and he’ll need our constant prayers and support.

  13. eyeondor says:

    Thank you both, I sometimes need the gentle reminder that I need to be patient.

    I do see some strides. I’m also excited to hear about the day of penance during Holy Week. I love the emphasis on Reconciliation.

    I think I tend to focus on the social/moral issues since I have children and feel sometimes in the DOR it is an uphill battle to raise them with a Catholic belief system. I want immediate results because I don’t have 33 years to raise Catholic children, I get 18 years. I have five children now with one on they way and am hopeful that our Diocese will become more orthodox in it’s teachings, so my children can be catechized outside of our home as well as in the home.

    I went church shopping last weekend since I am looking to change and the people in front of us shot my 4 year old a strange look when he responded throughout mass with “and with your spirit” and could recite the Our Father. The woman in front of us commented, “Oh, how does he know that already?” I replied, “the same way he knows the alphabet, he was taught it.”

    I wish priests like Father Spilly could be told he needs to promote Catholic teachings as a priest and that could be enforced. In time it will be.

  14. Richard Thomas says:

    Eyeonder, Great response. I’m sure that was a teaching moment for that woman.

  15. Ben Anderson says:

    There is a pretty decent network of orthodox Catholics in Rochester. It’s possible to keep the dor-tainted version of Catholicism away from your children if you’re committed to it. Shoot me an email if you need any info – benanderson at benanderson dot us.

  16. Richard Thomas says:

    Fr. Spilly needs to hear that of the 5000 cases of sexual abuse by priests, 4000 were of homosexual priests molesting teenage boys. And the testimony of many homosexuals in therapy indicates that many homosexuals look to predate on boys. But I am sure he is in denial.

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