Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

An Introduction

October 7th, 2012, Promulgated by b a

This is a multi-part book review on Ralph Martin’s new book:
“Will Many Be Saved?: What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization”
by guest submitter Dominick Anthony Zarcone.

An Introduction

As kids, when we looked forward to special events we just couldn’t wait until the day arrived. How excited we were when we finally got to “go there”, “do it”, or “receive that special gift.”

I have been reminded of those younger years and younger feelings of anticipation waiting for Ralph Martin’s recently published book, “WILL MANY BE SAVED? What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization” (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2012) Knowing this book about the Church’s most important service of love was coming kept my spirit up in gratitude with excitement as I counted the months left before publication.

So, what was the big deal?

This book would help readers realize that while spiritual realities were being ignored, certain theological speculations kept the Church from evangelizing with purpose and passion. The book would demonstrate how a practical universalism crept in generating the false belief that everyone will be saved and go to heaven no matter what is believed and done in this life.

Dominick Anthony Zarcone

I knew that author Ralph Martin would remind us what Jesus taught.

“wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go in there at….. narrow the gate and strait the way that leads to life, and they are few who find it.”

Every indicator pointed to a bold and bracing book regarding evangelizing for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Of course I looked forward with enthusiasm to Martin’s contribution which would clear up our confusion, name what is ultimately at stake, and restore for Catholics a doctrinal foundation, a renewed Christian faith and confidence in the saving Good News of Jesus Christ crucified and risen. In this way the book would inspire the Church to refocus her priority and primary mission, to reconsider her pastoral strategy and to be inspired to evangelize; an inspiration which has been missing far too long.

Now that the book has been published, I have bought and read a copy. It has not been a disappointment. It is so good that already I’ve started my second reading.
Because this subject is so very important to God, to His Church and for the world, I have decided to accept an offer to write a simple book report of “WILL MANY BE SAVED?” outlining and highlighting the author’s research, observations and conclusions.

My confident hope is that our cleansingfiredor family’s interest will be peeked enough to consider reading Ralph Martin’s traditional interpretation with timely insights, commenting on it and eventually acting on the author’s conclusions, conclusions which evangelizers cannot help but admit do in fact make a vital difference because of what is ultimately at stake.


5 Responses to “An Introduction”

  1. Eliza10 says:

    It looks like a good book, Ben. I will make a point to read it, if not by Lent then for Lent. I hope our new Bishop will appoint you to lead New Evangelism for our whole diocese. You would be a most excellent candidate for that job! And I think head Diane Harris on an executive clean-up committee. Clean-up what? Well I don’t know _exactly_ but I think she will know what to do and she will put her superior talents to good use. And Bernie can head a committee for renovating wreckovations. And I’ll be gopher/helper as much as possible for all your committees!

  2. Ben Anderson says:

    Just to be clear – this book review is not written by me. It’s written by Dominick reviewing Martin’s book. I just re-read my first sentence and realized it is kind of confusing.

  3. SALLYANNE says:

    Looks like a good book to me, too.

  4. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

         I found the following paragraph on a site entitled HERMENEUTIC OF CONTINUITY: 

         “Nevertheless, if we are talking about the second Vatican Council, it is the texts that matter. Subsequent legislation, implementation or interpretation is the subject of legitimate debate among canonists, theologians, sociologists or editorial writers of magazines – even bloggers if one might be so bold.”

         As a scholar-evangelizer, Dr. Ralph Martin could be said to be engaging in legitimate debate regarding a traditional interpretation of Second Vatican Council Documents versus a more optimistic view of salvation which undermines the mission of the Church.

        In subsequent installments to this book review of Martin’s WILL MANY BE SAVED? readers will discover the interpretations of the Council which our author questions and what implementations he suggests are very necessary.

  5. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    The Holy Father speaks about the purpose of the Second Vatican Council.

    “The documents of Vatican Council II are, even in our own time, a compass guiding the ship of the Church as she sails on the open seas, amidst tempests or peaceful waves, to reach her destination,” the Pope said.

    The reason for the Council, he said, was the belief of Blessed John XXIII that “the faith had to speak with a ‘renewed’ and more incisive voice, because the world was changing rapidly, but it had to maintain its perennial message intact, without giving way or compromising.”

    Thus the purpose of the Council, the Pope said, was “to show our world, which tends to distance itself from God, the requirements of the Gospel in all its greatness and purity.” That need continues today, Pope Benedict said. “The age in which we live continues to be marked by forgetfulness and deafness towards God.”

    Please note that the faith has to speak with a renewed and more voice maintaining its perennial message intact, without giving way or compromising……showing our world….the requirements of the Gospel in all its greatness and purity.

    Martin’s book can help us to do all of that.

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