Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

An Actual “Dialogue Homily”

December 13th, 2011, Promulgated by Gen

This video is from the Diocese of Raleigh’s home-school Mass, and shows Bishop Burbidge engaging in a dialogue homily with the children. You’ll notice that, unlike one of the lay-given homilies in Rochester, this is given 1. by a bishop 2. to children 3. to teach them about the faith. No lay women in albs. No sanctimonious politicking about women’s ordination. It just goes to show you how some in our midst delight in warping and bastardizing the Faith to such an extent that is barely even faith at all, but rather a shameless show of self-promotion.

Pray for all of our bishops, and all those who lead parishes (licitly or illicitly), that they might learn to love the Church as it is, and not as they would personally have it.

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18 Responses to “An Actual “Dialogue Homily””

  1. Jim says:

    Jim M. here: Wow…what a beautifully delivered homily to the children and their parents, from a young orthodox bishop! I really enjoyed listening to his words, but still feel the pain of being in this diocese, where a homily like this from the bishop, would be considered pretty foreign. I’m praying that we in Rochester will be equally blessed in this coming New Year, with such a bishop, as Raleigh is so privileged to have!

  2. JLo says:

    Bishop Burbidge was a seminary classmate of a priest friend of our family who told us at the time of the bishop’s appointment to Raleigh (in 2004 or 2005 I believe) how blessed our children there would be! We travel to the Raleigh diocese often, since we have children and grandchildren in the area, and are blessed to attend Mass while there at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Cary. Beautiful.

    Take heart, Jim M. Rochester has been able to offer much suffering to the Great Good God these many years. Perhaps our time of suffering will soon be over; but if not, we know His plan for us is perfect! Rejoice!


  3. Jim says:

    Thanks for your kind regards and optimism, JLo.

  4. Sassy says:

    We lived in the Raleigh diocese from 1995-1999 and attended Sacred Heart Cathedral. I still remember our pastor saying to us when we left, something to the effect of how orthodox the Philly archdiocese and that it will be an adjustment coming from Raleigh. Looking back, the pastor would have been very comfy in the DOR.

  5. Gretchen says:

    The wonderful Bishop Michael Burbidge was installed in Raleigh in August 2006 after spending his entire life in Philadelphia. We moved from Raleigh to Rochester in June 2007. When people ask me what I miss about Raleigh, I tell them I miss my friends and I miss Bishop Burbidge!

    We do have some good things here in Rochester, you just have to look for them. We have Vespers services and Rosaries for Vocations. We have a Chesterton Society and the biggest non-national Chesterton conference in the US. We have a monthly Latin High Mass. We have Our Lady of Victory Church. I pray in six months we are appointed a bishop like Bishop Burbidge!

  6. Choir says:

    Gretchen- I”m secretly hoping the new bishop is Bishop Sample of Marquette, Michigan. If not Bishop Perry.

  7. Ben Anderson says:

    Thank you for stating, “We do have some good things here in Rochester, you just have to look for them.” I couldn’t agree more. It almost seems like much of the good stuff is somewhat underground simply to avoid the spotlight and the wrath of progressivism.

  8. Jim says:

    Ben, you have a good point about many things going on in Rochester, and a number of them are somewhat “underground.” Many times, this is where the Church really has a chance to flourish!

  9. Raymond F. Rice says:

    The color blue is not a recognizes liturgical color in the Catholic Church. For feasts of Mary, the Virgin Mother, a white vestment is used and can have blue trim on it. However the predominant color should be white. The vestments the bishop is wearing are getting close to violating the norms.

  10. Dr. K says:

    They look mostly white to me.

  11. Raymond F. Rice says:

    Maybe the glass is half filled or maybe it is half empty!!

  12. annonymouse says:

    Raymond – the chasuble is white. If I am not mistaken, I believe the bishop’s chasuble will have wider color swaths to indicate that he is a bishop. And you must realize that you are only seeing a portion of the vestment.

    Here is a similar chasuble:

    Now, Raymond, white or blue??

    Moreover, why must we hold ourselves in judgment of this bishop?

  13. Raymond F. Rice says:

    We must promote orthodoxy wherever we fell it is needed! ! !

  14. Raymond F. Rice says:

    “To indicate he is a bishop”??? Like your average cleric wears a hat like that???LOL

  15. Raymond F. Rice says:


    God can be a difficult person to deal with. He will probably send us what we need and not what we want!!!LOL and what if the present or future bishop decides to ask the administrators to shut down this blog??? What will happen??

  16. Hopefull says:

    Hopefull-y, we will all follow our consciences.

  17. Ben Anderson says:

    what if the present or future bishop decides to ask the administrators to shut down this blog?

    On what grounds? Should the bishops also try to stop the secular media from reporting on sex abuse?

    Hopefull-y, we will all follow our consciences.


  18. Ben Anderson says:

    or what about media outlets that attack Church teaching instead of defending it like we do here?

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