Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Rosary for Vocations

September 15th, 2011, Promulgated by Mike

My video from Tuesday evening’s Rosary for Vocations held at St. John Fisher College:


My observations: The sacred music selections (see below) were awesome, the choir’s rendition of same was superb and Deacon Tom Jewell’s homily, which begins at the 4:02 mark, was excellent.

Opening Hymn: The Royal Banners Forward Go
Sermon: by Dcn. Tom Jewell – “Nothing is Sacred Anymore”
Procession to the tabernacle: Christus Factus Est (Gradual for Holy Thursday)
Exposition: O Salutaris Hostia
Rosary: Salve Regina (chant)
Adoration: Jesu Dulcis Memoria (chant) with Jesu Rex Admirabilis (Palestrina polyphony) interspersed
Benediction: Tantum Ergo (chant, Pange Lingua melody)
Reposition: Adoremus in Aeternum (chant)
Recessional Hymn: Rejoice the Lord is King

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9 Responses to “Rosary for Vocations”

  1. Bernie says:

    Another wonderful Rosary for Priestly Vocations sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Saint Damien of Molokai Council! These have been going on now for a few years in the diocese of Rochester. The locations have varied over the past two years, being held in different churches, mostly in Rochester and its suburbs. People probably remember the very beautiful one held at Saint Thomas the Apostle Church in Irondequoit last winter. The dedication, to this Rosary series, of the schola and planners is certainly admirable. Let us pray for them!

    Thank you Mike for this excellent recording so that those who could not attend can at least participate in some way.

  2. Eliza10 says:

    How encouraging! A wonderful sign of spring in Rochester!

  3. Raymond F. Rice says:

    Where might I get a schedule???/thanks!!

  4. Mike says:


    The next liturgical event will be a week from Sunday at SJFC’s Coleman Chapel and will consist of a vespers service, adoration, benediction and Mass. An announcement from one of the organizers reads …

    Then on September 25th, there will be a double-header of liturgical awesomeness. At 5:00 Vespers begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. When that service is finished, around 6:00, the servers/priests recess out in silence, leading to 3 hours of silent adoration for the students or anyone so moved to spend a moment or two with Our Lord. I’m trying to get some priests to hear confessions during that time. Then, at 9:00, there is Benediction, followed promptly by Holy Mass. The music for Vespers is the same as before, but the music for Mass will be as follows:

    Order of Service:
    Introit – Simple English Propers
    Kyrie – Missa de Angelis (Bartolucci)
    Gloria – Missa de Angelis (chant)
    Readings – (chanted)
    Gradual – (chanted in English)
    Credo – Credo III (English)
    Offertory – Simple English Propers
    Offertory Motet – Super Flumina Babylonis (Palestrina)
    Sanctus – Missa de Angelis (chant)
    Agnus Dei – Missa de Angelis (Bartolucci)
    Communion Motet – Ave Verum Corpus (Byrd)
    Communion – Simple English Propers
    Recessional – Go Make of All Disciple

    I’m told other events are being planned and announcements will be made as dates and locations are firmed up.

  5. A Catholic says:

    The prayers must be working- vocations are increasing in the DOR, finally.

  6. militia says:

    I would like to offer my opinion on why vocations are up in the Rochester Diocese. In essence, I believe we are seeing the pent-up demand of those who heard the Holy Spirit calling them to vocation but could not bear to kneel before a bishop of questionable faith, ethics and/or orthodoxy and give a vow of obedience. By entering when they did, they will not have to take that vow until they kneel before a new bishop. I predict that if we get another bishop of questionable faith, ethics and/or orthodoxy, some of the vocation pipeline (individual seminarians currently in process) will disappear or flee to other dioceses. I would also predict if the new bishop comes comes from a diocese blessed with many vocations but he has a questionable replacement there, some of those might just follow the good bishop.

  7. Raymond F. Rice says:

    Unfortunately , many of the new vocations do not come from the spiritual soil of the diocese of Rochester.

  8. Richard Thomas says:

    It is amazing the number of vocations that have fled the diocese and have been ordained elsewhere.

  9. Dr. K says:

    It is amazing the number of vocations that have fled the diocese and have been ordained elsewhere.

    Too many, and it shows no signs of stopping…

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