Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Catholic Warriors

February 18th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

Fr Z posted something yesterday that I think the CF community should take to heart as well. Fr Z’s words are in regard to Summorum Pontificum; quite the worthy cause. After reading his words through once, go back and replace “Summorum Pontificum” with the “Diocese of Rochester”. Most of you probably do this already, but it’s always good to have reminders.

I think you readers ought to take this to heart.

No matter what I might add to this discussion in the near future, this will be the most important thing I have to contribute.

I warmly invite other Catholic bloggers interested in Summorum Pontificum to pick this up.

If you are concerned about what might happen to Summorum Pontificum, pray and fast. Don’t whine. Don’t panic. Don’t fret. Don’t behave like a suddenly headless chicken.

Do what a committed Catholic warrior would do for a cause that is dear.

  • Go to church and spend time before the Blessed Sacrament every day until this resolves one way or another.
  • Ask Jesus to either stop the Instruction or to make Summorum Pontificum even better.
  • Pray the Rosary for the Holy Father.
  • Ask our Blessed Mother to move the Holy Father to keep Summorum Pontificum strong, to make it even stronger.
  • Pray to the Holy Father’s guardian angels constantly during the day asking them to strengthen him and to weaken his many enemies, some of them very close to him.
  • Fast and offer your hunger – real hunger, don’t fool around if you are going to do this – for the Holy Father’s well-being and firm resolve.

Be prudent about fasting, of course, especially if others rely on you and you have health concerns. But if you are young and healthy, fast.

Don’t whine. Don’t fret. Pray and fast. There may be more to do, but start with that. Before you do anything else, start praying and fasting.


2 Responses to “Catholic Warriors”

  1. Kevin says:

    Does make sense. Great post too.

  2. Jesse says:

    Yes, pray and fast but stand up act. Christ wasn’t made your lawyer, legislator or realtor.

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