Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Bp. Hubbard’s rah-rah for Cuomo

January 4th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

New York’s newest governor mocks Catholics and Bishop Hubbard cheers him on.  Ed Peters tells the story (hat tip Fr Z):

It is Albany Bp. Howard Hubbard’s responsibility to see to it that the common discipline of the Church is promoted and that all ecclesiastical laws are observed, exercising particular vigilance against abuse of the sacraments and the worship of God. 1983 CIC 392. Unfortunately, Hubbard’s rah-rah inaugurational homily before Cuomo and Lee, in which, without admonition for their objectively and publicly sinful status, the prelate seemed to have anointed the pair as his kind of evangelizers in government, and his complicity in the administration of Communion to Cuomo, amounts, in my opinion, to another dereliction of pastoral duty. + + +

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7 Responses to “Bp. Hubbard’s rah-rah for Cuomo”

  1. Matt says:

    He’s got even longer than Clarkbar till retirement!

  2. Sfomo says:

    Someone needs to teach our governor and Bishop Hubbard the beliefs of the Catholic faith. If they know the truths, we should remind them that God will not be mocked.

  3. Nerina says:

    I’m embarrassed to admit this (since I’m pretty well-informed about politics), but I had no idea of Gov. Cuomo’s irregular living situation. I knew he was divorced, but didn’t know about his “concubine” (as defined by Ed Peters).

    What a shame that Bishop Hubbard couldn’t muster the courage and fortitude to disallow Cuomo’s reception of the Eucharist. I realize that many, many people receive in a state of sin, but there is no public demonstration of sin for most people while with Cuomo it is a public known fact of his divorced status, his abortion stance and his living situation. What a shame.

    Why, oh, why weren’t we given a real choice in the recent gubernatorial election? Paladino v. Cuomo?! Sigh.

  4. Matt says:

    To make matters worse, Sandra Lee is my least favorite TV personality–she bothers me even more than Racheal Ray does!

  5. Nerina says:

    And then, today, in the “State of the State” address, Cuomo pushed for gay marriage. Ugh.

  6. Louis E. says:

    I’m a lifelong Democrat,but this is two straight party nominees who have been so strident about same-sex marriage that I’ve been unable to vote for them.They specifically “call evil good,and good evil”…Spitzer in his speech to “Pride Agenda” and Cuomo in his book distributed at the state Democratic convention.

  7. Eliza10 says:

    This is the kind of lack of Catholic backbone I completely expect from our Bishop. Am I recalling correctly that these two bishops are fast friends?

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